What is the Gunma Film Commission?


Shoot Footage in Gunma Prefecture!

Gunma is a landlocked prefecture located in the center of the Japanese archipelago bordered by mountain ranges to the north and west and opening up into the Kanto Plain in the southeast. Gunma experiences relatively few natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, and it enjoys more sunshine and clear days than almost anywhere else in Japan. Located only 100 kilometers away from Tokyo and connected to the rest of the country by a robust high-speed transportation network, Gunma boasts fantastic accessibility and interconnectivity to and from virtually anywhere else in Japan. With both abundant natural beauty and urban areas equipped with administrative, industrial, and commercial functions distributed throughout the Prefecture, Gunma is rich in resources for shooting footage for any number of situations.

Robust Transportation Network

Gunma is located within 100 km of the Tokyo Metropolis, and travel between the Nerima Interchange and the Takasaki Interchange only takes around one hour. Gunma is connected to every region throughout the country by the Kan-Etsu, Joshin-Etsu, Kita-Kanto, and Tohoku Expressways, making for convenient travel between film locations.

Stable environment for shooting

Spectacular Weather

The best laid plans for an outdoor shoot can be spoiled by rain the day of. Out of all the prefectures in Japan, Gunma ranks #5 for annual hours of sunlight and #7 for number of sunny days per year. The plains of Gunma receive relatively little snowfall, with urban areas averaging no more than a few days annually, yet only a 40-minute drive from the Takasaki Interchange are mountainous areas perfect for shooting scenes against the background of a snowy winter wonderland.  ※Source: Statistics Bureau of Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “Prefectures in Statistics 2019”

Bountiful Natural Beauty

Gunma is located in the northwest of the Kanto Plain and is characterized by its striking geographic diversity, and as you move across its landscape, you can witness the gradual transformation from plains to mountains. In addition to Oze National Park, Mount Tanigawa of “Japan’s Three Great Rock Formations,” Mount Myogi of “Japan’s Three Great Places of Scenic Wonder,” and the Gunma Prefectural Border Ridgeline Trail (the longest ridgeline trail in Japan), Gunma is also the site of the headwaters of the Tone River as well as numerous lakes, marshes, and canyons. Moreover, thanks to the dramatic topography of the Prefecture, the cherry blossoms so characteristic of spring in Japan hit their peak bloom at different times in different places, granting Gunma an unusually long viewing season. Gunma also has over 100 onsens (natural hot springs)—more than anywhere else in Kanto—making it a splendid location for filming travel shows. In addition to famous onsens like Kusatsu, Ikaho, Minakami, and Shima, there are also lesser-known springs in secluded areas and even onsens located on plateaus and along rivers.

Hardly Any Natural Disasters!

The number of earthquakes measuring at or above intensity 4 recorded in Gunma between 1923 and 2019 is quite small compared to other prefectures in the Kanto area.

About the Gunma Film Commission

The Gunma Film Commission supports the production of films and TV shows (informational programs, travel shows, variety shows, etc.) by providing location assistance and liaison services within the Prefecture. We also work together with local municipal governments and regional film commissions to act as a comprehensive point of contact for any inquiries related to filming in Gunma.

Our Goals

Through enthusiastic solicitation of films and videos shot within the Prefecture, the Gunma Film Commission strives to increase tourism to the region, stimulate the local economy, and improve the image of Gunma.

How We Support You

  • Provide information about filming locations
  • Provide personnel to accompany production staff during location scouting (upon request)
  • Provide in-person presence during filming
  • Provide information about local dining, accommodations, etc. near locations
  • Help with securing licenses and with other technical procedures related to shooting
  • Help recruit extras
  • Promote supported works via the Commission’s website, social media, etc.
  • Answer other inquiries related to filming in Gunma

Contact Us

Gunma Film Commission
Operating organization
Film Production Support Unit
Creative Hub Promotion Office
Esports and Content Creation Division
Strategic Sales Bureau
Department of Industrial Economic Affairs
Gunma Prefectural Government
1-1-1 Ote-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma Prefecture 371-8570, JAPAN